Crafting Text Drip Campaigns for SMS Success

A step by step guide on creating an SMS drip campaign plan, as well as explain how you evaluate and improve your strategy over time.

How to craft text drip campaigns that drive results.

Drip campaigns are familiar territory for most marketers, but SMS drip campaigns may be a new concept. For those who are not acquainted, an SMS marketing drip campaign is a strategic and automated approach that involves sending a series of text messages to contacts over a designated period. Ideally, the flow of content and timing will be carefully crafted to reflect audience segmentation and the individual’s behaviors or ongoing interactions with the text messages.

When strategically executed, an SMS drip campaign can nurture leads, engage current customers, or re-engage inactive ones by providing relevant content, exclusive offers, or timely reminders.

However, optimizing text-based drip campaigns isn’t as straightforward or foolproof as it may seem. While tools like Voxie can help streamline the creation and analysis of SMS flows, it’s essential to carefully craft messages that resonate with your audience and reflect your brand’s voice. After all, you’ll need to address numerous questions: What is the ideal cadence for sending messages? How should you tailor your calls-to-action based on different text message responses?

Here, Voxie will set you on the right path toward creating an airtight SMS drip campaign plan, as well as explain how you evaluate and improve your strategy over time.

Why Personalization is Key to SMS Drip Campaign Success

Personalization is more than just a trendy buzzword; it’s a powerful tool that can significantly enhance your SMS drip campaigns. Statistics show that personalization can reduce acquisition costs by as much as 50%, lift revenues by 5-15%, and increase marketing spend efficiency by 10-30%. But what does personalization entail in the context of SMS drip campaigns?

Firstly, personalization means addressing your recipients by name. It’s a simple touch, but it makes the message feel tailored just for them. Secondly, it involves sending messages that are relevant to the recipient’s interests and past behaviors.

For example, let’s say you have two different customers: to one, you delivered a Meat Lover’s Pizza, and to the other, you brought a Vegetarian Delight Pizza. To the carnivores, a follow-up text message could offer 30% off wings for the next “game day,” while the Vegetarian Delight household might appreciate discounted mozzarella sticks instead.

Companies like Voxie SMS are paving the way in personalized SMS drip campaigns. Voxie helps businesses create engaging, customized text messages that drive results by combining the power of AI and triggered SMS flows.

Examples of Effective SMS Drip Campaigns

Welcome Series

An SMS-based welcome drip campaign  is an excellent way to introduce new customers to your brand and create a lasting first impression. Begin with a warm and inviting welcome message that conveys appreciation for their interest.

Follow this up with comprehensive information about your services and products, highlighting the unique value you offer. This thoughtful approach not only sets the tone for your ongoing relationship but also keeps your brand top-of-mind as they navigate their options.

Example welcome SMS drip campaign with discount code incentive.

Review Request/Survey

After a customer makes a purchase or uses a service, it’s crucial to send a follow-up message encouraging them to provide feedback. This practice not only shows that you genuinely value their opinion but also affords you valuable insights into how you can refine and enhance your offerings.

So how do you turn review requests into a sophisticated SMS drip campaign? You tailor the subsequent interactions based on their response! Let’s say the recipient texts that their shopping experience was “Okay” or “good but …” Advanced AI like Voxie’s will be able to detect the lukewarm sentiments, triggering a follow-up appropriate for the neutral tone.

Survey request text message marketing drip campaign powered by AI Sentamite capabilities.

Service Reminder

Keep your customers informed by reminding them of upcoming appointments or services. A well-timed reminder can significantly reduce no-shows, fostering a sense of reliability and trust. This communication also demonstrates that you care about their time and convenience, reinforcing their loyalty to your brand.

The ideal service reminder drip campaign will send multiple text messages. It’s also common practice to ask someone to text back Y if they confirm they can still make the appointment. Such an action can pause the SMS drip campaign while the lack of a response may need to trigger additional reminders.

SMS drip campaign reminding a client about their upcoming appointment.


For customers who haven’t interacted with your brand for a while, a thoughtfully crafted re-engagement campaign can reignite their interest. For example, if your system shows that a customer hasn’t been to your fitness center in four weeks, why not text them a coupon for a free smoothie? If you have them segmented by fitness interests (such as having signed up for certain classes), have your SMS drip campaign notify them about exciting new instructors and group training sessions.

Consider offering a special discount or showcasing new products and services to capture their attention. Personalizing these messages based on their previous interactions with your brand can make them even more effective.

Win-back SMS text drip campaign encouraging a gym member to re-engage in their membership with a protein shake.

Lead Nurturing

For potential customers who have shown interest but haven’t yet made a purchase, a well-designed lead nurturing campaign can guide them seamlessly through the sales funnel. By providing them with valuable information, helpful tips, and gentle nudges, you can encourage them to make an informed decision. Tailoring your approach based on their specific interests will enhance the effectiveness of your outreach.

For instance, let’s say an adult-child of a dementia patient toured your Senior Living facility. You could follow-up with a thoughtful text message referencing both the recipient and their parent’s names, making yourself available for any follow-up questions. One week later? Perhaps a segmented SMS drip campaign will text them an article from your site entitled 12 Helpful Resources for Dementia Caretakers so you can stay top of mind while also providing value.

Automated lead nurturing SMS drip campaign with the goal of converting a web form into a visit then into a customer.

Grand Opening Engagement

Boost your contact list and engagement by integrating SMS with your existing awareness strategies, such as mailers, paid media, and signage. Create triggered SMS campaigns that initiate two-way conversations, inviting customers to an exclusive opening event. Engaging them in this manner prompts them to respond, sparking meaningful conversations that can help establish a strong relationship right from the start.

Text message drip campaign triggered by a QR code inviting customers to a grand opening event.

Sentiment Analysis

Enhance your customer engagement by sending outgoing messages that encourage your audience to respond. Utilize AI technology to analyze their responses and send them the appropriate drip campaign tailored to their sentiments. Positive, neutral, and negative responses will each trigger a different reaction, enabling you to run a personalized customer experience campaign on a grand scale that resonates with each individual.

Dynamic SMS drip campaign that determines the conversation path by understanding the sentamite of the customers response.

Birthday Cadences

A classic SMS drip campaign idea? Cultivating a personal relationship with your customers by sending them special communications on their birthday or anniversary. Consider offering them an early birthday gift, such as a percentage off their next purchase or a complimentary item. Follow this up with a heartfelt message on their birthday and a friendly reminder if they haven’t yet claimed their reward, ensuring they feel valued and appreciated.

An SMS drip campaign targeted at building a relationship with your customers by celebrating their birthdays.

Loyalty Program

After a customer has made repeat purchases or reached a purchase threshold, trigger an SMS drip campaign to encourage them to sign up for your loyalty program for additional rewards. This program can open the door to various conversation paths, including details about reward milestones, available rewards, and enticing double points days. By keeping customers informed about their loyalty status, you further incentivize their continued engagement with your brand.

Turn customers into loyalty program members by running an SMS drip campaign triggered by number of purchases or purchase frequency.

Preventing SMS Drip Campaigns from Turning into Spam

The line between a helpful message and spam can be quite thin, which is why it’s crucial to approach your SMS drip campaigns with care and strategy. Here’s how to ensure your SMS drip campaigns remain effective, engaging, and welcomed by your audience:

Consistent Value

Each message should offer something of substantial value to the recipient. While this could include useful information—such as tips or insights relevant to recipients’ interests—tangible benefits like discounts or exclusive offers tend to be the most popular.

Considering that text messages have a 98% open-rate, you can rest assured that your drip campaign is successfully reaching your audiences. Therefore, avoid redundant messages that don’t provide new or exciting content, as they can quickly become frustrating and may lead to disengagement.

Always ask yourself: does this message truly add value to the recipient’s day?

Optimal Spacing

Avoid bombarding your recipients with messages in a short timeframe. Instead, strategically space out your drip campaigns’ texts to give your audience time to breathe and process the information you provide. This thoughtful pacing not only enhances the likelihood of your messages being well-received but also fosters anticipation for your next communication. Remember, quality over quantity is key.

Metric Evaluation

Regularly review your SMS drip campaign metrics to gauge effectiveness, paying close attention to unsubscribe rates. A sudden spike in unsubscribes can indicate that your messages may be either too frequent or not relevant enough to your audience’s needs. Use this data to fine-tune your strategy, ensuring that adjustments are made based on actual recipient feedback rather than assumptions. Continuous improvement is vital in maintaining a positive relationship with your audience.

Multi-channel Approach

Don’t rely solely on SMS for your communication efforts. Combining text messages with emails or social media outreach can create a more comprehensive and less intrusive communication strategy. This multi-channel approach caters to diverse preferences among your audience and can increase overall engagement. By offering various touchpoints, you ensure that your message reaches your audience in the way they prefer, enhancing their overall experience with your brand.

By implementing these strategies, you can effectively prevent your SMS drip campaigns from turning into spam and foster a positive and meaningful connection with your audience.

Evolving Your Communications Strategy with Omni-channel Drip Campaigns

An omni-channel approach ensures that your message reaches your audience through multiple touchpoints, increasing the chances of engagement. By integrating SMS with email, social media, and other channels, you can create a seamless and cohesive customer experience.

For instance, your marketing drip campaign could start with an email introducing a new product, followed by an SMS reminder a few days later. This reinforces your message and keeps your brand in the customer’s mind without being overwhelming.

Testing and Improving Your SMS Drip Campaigns

By assessing the effectiveness of different message formats, timing, and content, you can identify what resonates most with your audience, allowing for data-driven decisions that enhance overall impact.

Continuous improvement helps in adapting to changing customer preferences and behaviors, ensuring that your campaigns remain relevant and compelling over time. If you haven’t started testing and optimizing your SMS drip campaigns, consider the following:

Delivery Timeline

Test different delivery times in relation to the initial action. For example, if a customer signs up for your newsletter, experiment with sending a welcome message immediately versus a few hours later to see which timing yields better engagement. Additionally, do your SMS messages produce higher results on a Tuesday or a Friday?

Conventional wisdom advises sending your drip campaigns’ texts outside of traditional work hours or when recipients are most likely to be distracted (aka, Saturday night). But don’t put too much stock in these broad guidelines, as they may not reflect your particular audience or business model. Take, for instance, a quick-service restaurant that markets to office workers; sending texts at 10:45 AM when lunchtime is on their minds may be perfect!

Frequency and Cadence

Find the right balance in message frequency. Too many messages can lead to unsubscribes, while too few can result in missed opportunities. Test different cadences to see what works best for your audience. (We typically don’t recommend sending more than one text blast to your audience in a week, but SMS drip campaigns can have more frequent messages.)

Order of Messaging

Experimenting with the sequence of your drip campaigns’ text messages can significantly enhance engagement. Consider starting with a clear announcement of the sale, followed by a detailed breakdown of specific deals, and concluding with a reminder of the sale’s end date. One effective approach to this test could involve sharing information about the deals first, then sending a separate message to announce that the sale is now live.

Message Interactions

Monitor how recipients interact with your SMS drip campaign. Are they clicking on links, replying, or ignoring them? Does one call-to-action drive more results than another? Use this data to tweak your content for optimal results.

Unsubscribe Rates

Through all of the tests, keep an eye on your unsubscribe rates. If you notice a spike, it’s a clear sign that something isn’t resonating with your audience. Use this feedback to adjust your SMS drip campaigns and improve their effectiveness.


Crafting successful SMS drip campaigns requires a blend of personalization, strategic planning, and continuous improvement. But, remember, the key to success lies in understanding your audience and delivering messages that provide real value. With tools like Voxie SMS, you can turn a simple SMS into a multi-step drip campaign that triples customer lifetime value.

Ready to elevate your SMS drip campaigns? Start by implementing these strategies and see the difference they make. And for those looking for expert assistance, Voxie SMS offers a comprehensive platform that can help you achieve your goals through automated lead nurturing, deep personalization capabilities, triggered SMS messages, and more.

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